Martha (A Sonnet)

Hat’s off to you, dear one with servant’s heart.
Your kindness often spreads still further good.
In teams you gathered, each soul took a part,
serving more richly than they thought they could.

The stately owl, wrens, the cedar wax-wing
by your help had their habitats enhanced.
In whistles and calls, these friends seemed to sing,
by hops and air maneuvers seemed to dance.

Your circles: family, loved ones, and faith-friends
knew your brilliance and your matchless smile.
The Good wrapped nicely all your means and ends.
You always went that special second mile.

Your trav’ling partner knows it through and through,
the lovely, gracious, wonder that is you.


Rev. David Price

Fr. Price joined St. Francis as Assistant Rector in September 2016. He says, “I am eager to be part of St. Francis’ efforts to work, pray, and give.” Fr. Price just completed a 10 year pastorate as Rector of Grace Church, Alvin and celebrated his 32nd anniversary of ordained ministry. Originally from Tucson, Arizona, a graduate of the University of Arizona, he completed his theological training at the Seminary of the Southwest in Austin in 1984. He served on parish staffs in Midland, Lubbock, and Palestine, before becoming Rector of St. Mark's Episcopal Church and School, Houston in 1994.

Fr. Price loves the variety of parish ministry: learning, worshiping, serving, and discovering things in small group fellowship. He recognizes the strength and health of St. Francis Church. He is convinced that in parish work, “God draws people in, builds them up and sends them out to be ambassadors of reconciliation in the world”. He has been married to Jennifer for 35 years. Jennifer, a cardiac nurse, works at CHI St. Luke's Health in the Medical Center. They are proud parents of three adult children: daughters, Emily Hatzel and Hannah Loyd, and son, Andrew Price. They are excited that they recently became grandparents. Fr. Price and Jennifer are both interested in improving their personal health through nutrition and physical activity. He has finished several marathons, half-marathons and triathlons in the last few years.


I Shall Not Want


Made Known